Everyone is a Teacher

This week we celebrate teacher appreciation and it’s been quite nice. I really appreciate my school working hard on showing their thanks. Today, the school provided students with flowers to give to teachers. It was so sweet and I so appreciate the act. The flowers were beautiful.

As I was packing up to go home for the day, a realization hit me. My students are my teachers. I want to show them appreciation as well. Everyday I learn from them. They teach me to be patient, to love, and to be creative. I would not be the educator I am without them. Yes, it has been a TOUGH year and there are new and repeating struggles EVERYDAY, but the rewards I receive from them means so much more and the feeling I receive from it lingers. It makes me smile. It makes me feel like I’ve made a difference.

This happened because of our “REAL TALK” circle. Two students opened up today that touched my heart. It takes a lot of courage and bravery to be vulnerable with peers — especially when they are like a pack of hyenas. I love my kids, but they can be so mean to each other and that breaks my heart. Anyway, back to what I was saying, when these two students open up and talk about how to be more respectful, the class was silent and I can feel that they were really listening. I was so in awe, I broke into tears and a few students joined me. This is the community I want to build and maintain. We have 4 weeks left of school and I want my class to end on a good note.


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